Hymac Manual

I just bought myself a 580C, but I don't have any technical data on it. I'm currently trying to arrange transportation for it, and I'm being asked for an exact weight for the machine. The seller said it was a 12 ton machine, but that's not specific enough for them. It's located 193 km away, so I don't wanna drive up there to read what it says on the machine either.

Hymac 580 Manual

ManualThe problem is that the place it is located has a very steep, winding narrow road (12% gradient), so I'm not sure it's possible to get there with a semi-trailer especially now in the winter time with snow and ice on the road surface. That means I have to try to find a DE: Lastwagen

Hi all, I would like to build a 00 model of Hymac 580 Excavator as a load for my Flatrol wagon, having seen numeorus pictures of them on Paul Bartletts site. In a recent issue of Railway Modeller (which I think has since been recycled) there was an advert for a company producing these in 00, but. The Hymac 580C being put through its paces at the Chipping Steam Fair, May the 27th 2018.

HYMAC CRAWLER EXCAVATOR - MODEL 580C WORKSHOP MANUAL Business, Office & Industrial, Agriculture/Farming, Equipment Parts & Accessories eBay!

EN: truck
ManualFI: kuorma-auto
NO: lastebil
SV: lastbil
', BGCOLOR, '#232323', FONTCOLOR, '#F0F0F0');' onmouseout='UnTip();'>truck that can carry it, and that seems to be a bit tricky. Can anyone give me a specific weight for the 580c including digger arm, EN: bucket
FI: kauha
NO: skuff
SV: skopa

Hymac 580c Parts Manual

', BGCOLOR, '#232323', FONTCOLOR, '#F0F0F0');' onmouseout='UnTip();'>bucket and 'operating fluids'?
edit: Here are Google Street view of the road - it doesn't look any bit as scary on the pictures as when I drove there, so maybe I'm worrying too much... maybe some of you guys can help me judge that: https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d7.996025!3d59.439439!2m2!1f121.25!2f84.72!4f75!2m9!1e1!2m4!1sEXP-WvPoM8hm8s9ZaczcaQ!2e0!9m1!6sSkafs%C3%A5vegen!5m2!1sEXP-WvPoM8hm8s9ZaczcaQ!2e0&fid=5