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In May, 2003, a long-awaited FCC Report and Order (R&O) in ET Docket 02-98 granted US amateurs secondary access to five discrete channels in the vicinity of 5 MHz. The atypical amateur allocation became available to US amateurs on July 3, 2003. The limited spectrum and stringent operating requirements mean amateurs must demonstrate their best behavior and operating skills if the Amateur Service ever hopes to get an actual band segment at 60 meters.
As ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ, put it: 'In terms of Amateur Radio spectrum, we usually say, 'Use it or lose it.' The watchword for 60-meter operators should be, 'Misuse it and lose it.' Sumner predicted that, over time, amateurs 'will develop a record of disciplined, responsible use of the five channels in the public interest that will justify another look at these rather severe initial restrictions.'
The FCC grant followed a period of experimental operation on 5 MHz under the WA2XSY Part 5 license granted to ARRL. The channelized scheme is similar to the 5-MHz experimental operation under way in the United Kingdom.
The FCC changed one frequency effective March 5, 2012 and now grants amateurs access to channels centered on 5332, 5348, 5358.5, 5373, and 5405 kHz. The last channel is common to the UK amateur 5-MHz experimental band plan.

This new allocation presents some new twists in amateur HF operation as well as some unfamiliar technical demands. The channelized format was the result of a compromise between the National Telecommunications and Information Agency (NTIA), which administers spectrum occupied by government users--the band's primary occupants--and the FCC. The channels are available to General and higher class licensees.

Originally, amateurs could only operate upper-sideband voice (emission 2K8J3E) at a maximum of 50 W effective radiated power (ERP) and an audio bandwidth not exceeding 2.8 kHz. The power level changed to 100 W PEP ERP and permissible emission types changed effective March 5, 2012.
You will find the latest information and the ARRL's Recommended Practices useful.
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